I'm back with a kind of decent post today.
So, uhm.. random pictures from like the past week first.
Back to more up to date issues.
Kar Lei is leaving for Canada in.. less than two days.
Which is this Friday, 4th of July.
So, we had a get-together at McD's today as it will be the last time we'll see her.
Remember the Devil Drink?
We had it in August last year.
Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKkWu3aP1CA
Well, we had an even worse one today as a going away ceremony thing.
And all of us had to drink it.
Three videos of us drinking and commenting about it shall be up soon (:
Headed to BRJ after MAJOR camwhoring session outside of McD's.
Shall get pictures up as soon as possible.
All of them are with Michx.
Last picture of the day..
To all Twilight fans who have seen the first official completed scene of the Twilight movie, YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS!
It is so hilarious!
Seriously, its so stupid it makes you wanna watch it a thousand times :D