Thought it was funny, didn't you?
Because of the two of you, I couldn't sleep properly last night.
I kept waking up and asking myself, what the hell was going on with the both of you?
Because of the two of you, I can't sit in front of the computer and relax.
I'm scared that both of you will do it again and ITS CREEPY OKAY!
Because of the two of you, I can't finish my work as fast I did yesterday.
This sucks because I only have a limited time to do it.
It can't be a coincidence, two people saying different words with the same meaning to the same person.
It can't be a coincidence, two people talking in two different languages to the same person.
It can't be, cos then it would mean the world was upside down.
Thought it was funny?
I hope you're happy now, really I am.
You guys went too far with it, whether you meant it or not.